
Full Features of Profile Website

Profile Website Features


, Last Updated on May 29, 2024

Below is the full list of features you will receive when you pay us for a Profile Website. By default, all these features will be covered in your project. We hate to say or hear “You have to pay extra because this feature is not included”. Which is why we have included maximum practical features that any business owner would need in their website.

Your business might not need all of these features, in which case we might not put them. Although, if you still want it, you can always ask for it as all these features are included as part of your service page regardless. This is conditioned that we are informed before starting the project.


A design that adapts to the screen size and resolution of the device being used to view the website, providing an optimal user experience on desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones.

Creating different variations of features, if needed, for desktop and mobile. For example, chat option on desktop and WhatsApp option on mobile, or show video on desktop but not on mobile.

The process of optimising a website’s design and functionality for mobile devices to ensure an optimal user experience on smartphones and tablets.

Social media accounts sharing buttons on the website, allowing customers to share products and content with their social networks or view your company’s social media accounts. 

A feature that allows businesses to translate their website into multiple languages, making it accessible to customers in different regions. Google translate is included and will be for front-end only. Custom language translation is charged separately.

A feature that allows businesses to display prices and accept payments in multiple currencies, making it easier for customers to shop from different regions. The currencies can be changed manually by customer or automatically based on the customer location. Currency exchange rates can be updated automatically or the admin can choose to set them manually.

A feature that allows businesses to integrate their e-commerce website with email marketing services, such as MailChimp or Constant Contact, and send promotional emails to customers. Only integration is covered. Email Marketing campaigns are done by yourself or by us at an additional cost.

Standard setup of email templates to ensure automated emails sent to customers look professional. This work does not include branding or custom design.

Setup of contact forms in all relevant areas to receive customer enquiries. The contact forms can be standard to receive customer messages or it can be purpose built such as “Request a Call” or “Subscribe to Offers”.

A section of the website that answers common questions and concerns that customers may have about the products, shipping, and return policies.

Big image or background video banners, which keep changing in a slide motion, mainly used in the homepage to draw attention to main products or services.

A feature to show images and videos related to business or its products and services. The gallery can be in one main page such as About Us or in every product or service page. It is shown as a combination of media in terms of sliders or grid etc.

A feature that allows businesses to upload videos mainly for general promotion or product and services introduction etc. Typically, videos are embedded from YouTube to maintain website speed but alternative options are available and can be requested.

This feature allows users to view the website and all of its content even when the night mode of their browser is active.

Products and Services Pages

Pages that display information about individual products or services, including product images, descriptions, pricing, and shipping information.

Easily edit or delete product or service pages or create as many pages as required without the need for any technical help.

A feature that recommends related products to customers based on their browsing and purchase history, encouraging them to make additional purchases.

A feature that offers exclusive discounts or promotions for a limited time, encouraging customers to make a purchase before the offer expires.

Option to book appointments either for online or offline services, see availability dates and times and receive confirmation emails by both customers and admin. Online payments will not be supported for this option. If you want to integrate a payment system, see Payment Gateway Integration service or eCommerce Website service.

User Experience

A feature that allows customers to leave reviews and ratings on your website.

Setup automated emails for admin and customer to receive when a form is filled, or in cases of product and services purchase, refund or similar activities on the website.

Your customers will receive account verification OTP, payment confirmations and other confirmations via SMS message on their registered mobile.

A feature that allows customers to chat with a customer support representative in real-time, providing instant help and support.

WhatsApp icon on the website to allow customers to directly chat with your business on WhatsApp.

Security and Durability

The process of optimising a website’s content and structure to rank higher in search engine results pages, and drive more traffic to the website. The website will be structured so it can be read properly by search engine crawlers. Although SEO Setup such as keyword research and sitemap submission to Search Engines is a separate service and is not included.

By default, all websites we make are fully optimised to load very fast. This helps increase ranking on Google search engine and makes a big difference in marketing performance both paid and unpaid. The website speed also greatly depends on the hosting type though, and will not perform well with shared hostings regardless of how much we optimise it.

The process of collecting and analysing data about website traffic, user behaviour, and sales, to improve website performance and identify areas for improvement. Any one option can be chosen between Google Analytics, Google Sense or Zoho PageSense.

An EU requirement that ensures businesses comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and protect their customers’ personal data and privacy.

These are just a few examples of the many features that can be included in an ecommerce website. We choose the features based on the business’s specific needs and target audience, but you are welcome to suggest any feature that you think might be useful, provided that your request is received before we start the project.

At our ecommerce website service, we understand the importance of a well-designed and efficient online store. Contact us today to learn more about our eCommerce Website service and how we can help your business succeed online.

You can click here to learn more about our business process or to find out what we expect from you before starting a project.

Contact us today to learn more about our website design service and how we can help your business succeed online.
