Affiliate and Referral Program

Referral Marketing

Affiliate and Referral Program

We offer one of the most incentivizing programs for Instagram Influencers regardless of their number of followers. Sell and earn. Can’t sell? Get a freebie regardless.

Join our

Referral Program

After a successful 6 years of being in the business, we launched our new branch under the umbrella of We have passed and upcoming customers who we entice to spare nothing when it comes to sales. This is why we have one of the most rewarding affiliate and referral programs in the market.

Here is everything you need to know, in plain and simple terms.

  1. Initially, expect about 1000aed worth of freebies on a monthly basis.
  2. Minimum 10% commission. Usually 15-20% commission.
  3. We will give you an opportunity to work with all our clients. It is up to you if you want to promote them or not.
  4. Promotionals are dependent on the business type. We will set guidelines with every new business. Then you can decide before proceeding.
  5. Payments are cleared on a monthly basis.
  6. Everyone can apply but there is a big No No to those with fake followers.
  7. If you have fake followers but still a major proportion of them are real, please declare it in the message box below. You might still have a chance.
  8. For each business, you will get a link and a code. Anyone who goes to the website using your link and makes a purchase, or makes a purchase using your code (even out of the website), you will get your commission for that sale.
  9. Every new opportunity will be sent to you by email along with promotional guidelines. We will never ever send any advertisement or spam emails.
  10. Your commission will be calculated by us, and a report will be sent to you by email at the beginning of every month. You always have the right to question the legitimacy of our report in which case we will give you evidence.

Let’s begin the journey towards growth performance together.

Register your interest in the form below and we will make everything else easy to handle.
